What is the correct way to use the Zerostat?

Hi fellow members,

Need some help with my Zerostat gun used for my vinyl records.

First, should the record be spinning on the platter when I slowly squeeze and slowly release the trigger aimed at the record on the turntable, or should the record be stationary while I pull and release the trigger?

Second, what's the nozzle with a lightbulb that came with the Zerostat do? Is this a test? How do I use it? There was no instruction manual in the box to tell me how to use it.

Third, no matter how slow I pull or release the trigger, I still get a click noise from the Zerostat. Based on reading forums, it appears that if you hear clicking noise, that means I pulled/released too fast on the trigger. How slow is considered slow ?

Any help/feedback would be nice.
Thanks Audphile1 for your reply.

Just curious, are these instructions you listed above from the manufacturer? I bought my Zerostat new and my box did not include any written manual instructions. Does it really require 4 squeezes/releases per record? Somehow I thought it just needs one squeeze/release and that's it. Also, I thought both squeeze and release should be aimed at the record at all times, no?

I just bought a vintage Zerostat kit and the instructions are on it. That's where I got it from.

You need to kind of get a feel for the Zerostat trigger though. Practice a bit on the squeeze/release.
Does anyone know if the Zerostat wears out after many years.
I have had had mine for 15-20 years(the older model)

Studio, the cap is a test bulb, if you get a light it is supposed to be working but is not for daily use.