Deep Cleaning Records With Steam?

It has happened again. Major tweak and record provider has available a steam cleaner made especially for records. Anybody try steam for cleaning lp’s? What were your results? Since a unit can be had for about $20 at Target, 15% of what the tweak provider is charging, is it worth a try?.
Johnnyb53: Its good to know that steam cleaning has made a positive improvement on your audio life.

The method you are using is cost effective . May I suggest another cost effective improvement ? The KAB Ev-1 Pro. Record Cleaner , a down & dirty Nitty Gritty Top (, , is the cheapest version of a vaccum cleaning unit. That's if you already own a vaccum cleaner for the home that can be attached to make it work. The combination of steaming & vaccuming is just as good as it gets.

The added advantage is you suck off the stuff solutions 'an steam have released from the vinyl. Micro-cloths do make a difference --I use them also to dry.

Welcome to the Steaming Club. We need new converts to pass the word to vinyl-heads. Save your greenbucks for more used vinyl!
In late Oct. I mentioned that I purchased another steamer from WalMart that I know to be identical to the one offered by Mapleshade. It is included in the record cleaning package they are selling for $150.

WalMart's Web Site claims they shall notify you by email when the unit arrives. What they failed to doctument is that having your "pop-up blocker" on the email does not come thru to you.

Today, after Days of calls I learned the steaming unit was @ my local WalMart and despite hours of telephone efforts the 'Mart never notified me . Go figure. Today, I shall pick-up the steamer and let you'all know if the results were worth all the trouble.
Threaders: My initial results with the SteamFast SF-227 are positive. The steamer costs $35 @ Walmart's Web Site, consumes 900 watts, holds 10oz of distilled/super-pure water and provides up to 13 minutes of continious steam flow. It quickly produces a powerful shot of super-heated steam ; safety is a must, not an option. The unit does produce a more powerful blast of steam than the Perfection but how much is over-kill is best determined by you. I think the Perfection Steam Cleaner is a best buy ; should already have one or other steamers use and bask with the results. If not ,the SF-227 may be an option for LP Cleaning. Should you use the SF-227 or any other Steam Cleaner please post your experience with us.
Anyone considering the purchase of the Perfection steamer, Walgreens is offering a $10.00 mail in rebate, making your total investment on this handy device $19.95.

I continue to be satisified with the Steamfast SF-227 that can be had on line from WalMart: I did visit Walgreens confirming that they were offering the rebate exactly as Badboss reported. How long the rebate continues I do not know. The Perfection certianly is the "best buy" and does work "perfectly".

Right now , KMart/Sears are selling the SharkSteamer for $35: from appearences the product seems to be quite capable of cleaning LPs; the only stat published on the box highlighted that it consumes 1000 watts.

For fun, I am testing "rinsers". I never pour rinsers into the steamer for the sake of your/my safety. Rather, I spray them or paint then on the LP , later to be steamed off. No conclusive results to mention , a combo of superpure H2O/white vinegar (30-1 , 20-1 or 10-1 ratio) does seen to be the way to go.

From your emails I appologize if I confused you regarding weither steam cleaning is be performed evertytime an LP is played . The answer is No. Usually one cleaning is all that is required , unless you live in a super dusty enviorment or the LP is subjected to gunk. Replacing the inner-sleve with a rice paper variety helps to assure the disc remains clean .