Johnnyb53: Its good to know that steam cleaning has made a positive improvement on your audio life.
The method you are using is cost effective . May I suggest another cost effective improvement ? The KAB Ev-1 Pro. Record Cleaner , a down & dirty Nitty Gritty Top (, , is the cheapest version of a vaccum cleaning unit. That's if you already own a vaccum cleaner for the home that can be attached to make it work. The combination of steaming & vaccuming is just as good as it gets.
The added advantage is you suck off the stuff solutions 'an steam have released from the vinyl. Micro-cloths do make a difference --I use them also to dry.
Welcome to the Steaming Club. We need new converts to pass the word to vinyl-heads. Save your greenbucks for more used vinyl!
The method you are using is cost effective . May I suggest another cost effective improvement ? The KAB Ev-1 Pro. Record Cleaner , a down & dirty Nitty Gritty Top (, , is the cheapest version of a vaccum cleaning unit. That's if you already own a vaccum cleaner for the home that can be attached to make it work. The combination of steaming & vaccuming is just as good as it gets.
The added advantage is you suck off the stuff solutions 'an steam have released from the vinyl. Micro-cloths do make a difference --I use them also to dry.
Welcome to the Steaming Club. We need new converts to pass the word to vinyl-heads. Save your greenbucks for more used vinyl!