Deep Cleaning Records With Steam?

It has happened again. Major tweak and record provider has available a steam cleaner made especially for records. Anybody try steam for cleaning lp’s? What were your results? Since a unit can be had for about $20 at Target, 15% of what the tweak provider is charging, is it worth a try?.
FYI : I have been looking for a record cleaning brush that would full-fill any issues related to cleaning Lp groves. Previously , I note a find in the @ Dollar Store , a back scrubber that did appear to be a "Best Find" for one $.

I now believe that the company "Quickie" has a superior back brush attached to a "Y" revolving arm that can be separated from that "Y" . The brisels are superior to any other I have found and the cost is under $5.00. Look for it in your grocery market.
After having purchased and used the "Perfection" steam cleaner, (I also use the downward pointng nozzle), I am firmly on the steam powered wagon! I now no longer feel compelled to buy an RCM, the grooves are coming out cleaner than any other cleaning method I have used.
Charlie, you deserve a hardy pat on the back, you have saved my bacon!

Thanks much,
Dan : Support like yours confirms what I suspect to be a fact; Steam Cleaning is equal to , if not superior to, Record Cleaning Machines (RCM) & dispeles the fable that collectors must expend huge sums on cleaning toys to enjoy music.

Steam Cleaning gives the LP collector options in the selection of record cleaning fluids and experience if fluid A is actually worth the effort over fluid B.

Should you already own a RCM ( as I) "Great", use its features to enhanse record cleaning. If not, no problem Steaming can do it all for you.
Readers: A trip to Walgreens revealed that they continue to offer a $10 rebate on the Perfection Steamer($20). For those of you that have not "steamed" but want to, please buy before the rebate offer is over.
Crem1: Is the Perfection product that you are using called a steam cleaner? Does it look like a teapot with a long nozzle?

I almost pulled the trigger on a VPI 16.5, but now I think I'll try the steamer with a DIY vacuum. I can't wait to try it!!