Deep Cleaning Records With Steam?

It has happened again. Major tweak and record provider has available a steam cleaner made especially for records. Anybody try steam for cleaning lp’s? What were your results? Since a unit can be had for about $20 at Target, 15% of what the tweak provider is charging, is it worth a try?.
R/O water is reverse osmosis water. All impurities are removed. It can be purchased cheaply at tropical fish stores.
Johnnyb53 & Jsmoller : For a detailed discussion on water (including R/O) please see the Water-related threads below.

For my money I use H2O prepaired for use in batteries; pretty much the finest water product for the cost but availabity may be a problem for some.
Hey Charlie, thanks for the email, I appreciate it. Do you just steam after the cleaning fluids or do you also do a water rinse?
I bought something called demineralised water at the local supermarket. The usage recommendations state: car radiators, storage batteries, steam irons, garment steamers. No mention on the container as to what process was used to demineralise the water. There is a warning not to drink it. $1.05 for 2 litres.

Would this be ok for vinyl steaming?
