Larryi, What steam units do is wisk/steam-off the manufacturing compounds/grit that traps organic and inorganic gunk in the grove; that gunk comes a host for bacteria and/or mold.
Steam harmlessly washes away all those compounds leaving just a reasonably clean grove to reproduce sound. An added plus may be some hydration of the uppermost ridges of the grove that takes some of the reported brittleness in sound away from that LP in playback.
It is for the above reasons I allow my cleaned recordings to rest before I play them. The cleaner you water source the more improvement you may hear.
According to scientific studies discussed in "Positive Feedback" years ago relating to record cleaning , momentary uses of strong chemical cleaners do not leach LPs unless submerged on the groves for very long periods of time.
That is not the case with steam that is comprised only of water and is used in seconds at a time. Steam cleaning (with the addition of using RCM's and fluids) enhanses the cleaning process because it deep cleans the grove and vacumms off spent fluid before a final light steam to remove everything left in the grove.
Steam harmlessly washes away all those compounds leaving just a reasonably clean grove to reproduce sound. An added plus may be some hydration of the uppermost ridges of the grove that takes some of the reported brittleness in sound away from that LP in playback.
It is for the above reasons I allow my cleaned recordings to rest before I play them. The cleaner you water source the more improvement you may hear.
According to scientific studies discussed in "Positive Feedback" years ago relating to record cleaning , momentary uses of strong chemical cleaners do not leach LPs unless submerged on the groves for very long periods of time.
That is not the case with steam that is comprised only of water and is used in seconds at a time. Steam cleaning (with the addition of using RCM's and fluids) enhanses the cleaning process because it deep cleans the grove and vacumms off spent fluid before a final light steam to remove everything left in the grove.