Deep Cleaning Records With Steam?

It has happened again. Major tweak and record provider has available a steam cleaner made especially for records. Anybody try steam for cleaning lp’s? What were your results? Since a unit can be had for about $20 at Target, 15% of what the tweak provider is charging, is it worth a try?.
My Perfection has only been used twice since I bought it about 10 days ago and I don't fill it more that 3/4 of the full amount in the measuring cup. Hey, for $20 I don't expect the thing to be perfect. ;-) My technique worked out well for me today. I steamed 7 LPs, being sure to keep the pot slightly tilted back. It worked like a champ!
I have been steaming for near a "deckade and 1/2" . The advice offered by AG'ers is the best I have viewed. Just keep in mind my Perfection works perfectly. A beautiful head of steam "tear shaped" without any attachments. The fewer the better attachments for reasons that become all too apparent ... splurts and drips. Keep this in mind ... nothing , nothing can clean Lps better than steam for cents on the dollar. All the best.
The steam cleaning works very well for me, but I'll comment on the really dirty records mentioned above. I have found a diluted vinegar solution to be quite effective on those really cruddy records. There are still a couple of records I can't quite get clean but they are certainly closer to being clean than they were and with repeated steam cleaning and vinegar I reckon I can get just about anything off.

The post above which states you can't get rid of scratches is, of course, correct. But you would be amazed at what does come out. I have a record I thought was scratched with a huge click right across side 2. The click is now a quiet muffled noise since steam cleaning. It must have been dirt and not a scratch. You would be amazed at how many scratches are really just dirt.

Lastly, there is a thread on AudioKarma where someone has got some old records and tried a few treatments. The upshot of it has been that some pretty powerful cleaners have done no damage to his records. I think we all need to realise that vinyl is pretty tough stuff. Yes, the grooves are microscopic and we need to take care, but, remember, vinyl is not some fragile material, it is actually quite strong and durable.

Yep, DS, I agree with your findings. Many of those scratches become catch basins for the dirt and crap that cause ticks or pops when the come 'round to meet the stylus. Blast that gunk out with steam and it is surprising how much extraneous noise is gone.

As far as using tougher cleaners, I've not found a need to go beyond an alcohol-based cleaner which I use right after a steaming, while the moisture is still on the LP. I vacuum this up after some light scrubbing and then follow with a good rinse with high purity water. I'm finding that any clicks or pops beyond this are most likely damage.
davidsss I think the tick is sometimes maybe mold. I often wonder if the heat is enough to release the mold? I think dirt as well and one guy menttioned not needing a RCM. I still do not regret buying mine. It just works even better now.