Tvad : Thanks for taking the bait. You have sniped from the corners on this issue. You are completely mistaken.
The issue here is freedom of expression and the ability to share information freely w/o concern of exploitation. Do what you will but I have lived long enought to see record collections damaged/some destroyed by silicone rags and acetone based products. All sold to innocent record collectors in the 1950's-60's.
I have repeatly said what MS does is his business and never changed my stance. Christ, I KNOW him and his circle of drones. But, when I KNOW of distortion even outright untruth, I feel an obligation to provide balanced and fair information.
Tvad, Please go spray your records with plastic bi-products that's your affair. The important matter for me is that 10-50 years hence the recordings steam cleaned by innocent readers are as playable then as today. You , can take any attachment you please spray your records with ANYTHING, have a blast.They are your possession burn them if you like. But don't come back here complaining of unintended consequences. That's what the scientific method is all about, reducing risk and untended consequences.
What I have I have explained is consequences or the perception of consequences, so the reader has some assurance some thought when into the answer. Spreading a suggestion with unintended consequences via the Net can be hurtful to Tens of thousands of innocent folks.
When I first decided to go public and hold private demostrations for a couple of European Audio designers, I was urged by a select few not to but to charge them and YOU for every word I print. My friend that gave me that advice is to making millions on the Net and I'm wasting my time with you. Thanks for the education.