Aesthetix IO Sig V 2nd power supply & Lamm LP2 del

I have having a listen to the Aesthetix IO sig at the moment and it sounds very good. Not as quiet as my Xono, but has that added flow that tubes do.

What does adding the 2nd power supply bring to the sonic equation, say vs buying some expensive NOS tubes??

Lastly, For anyone who has heard, what are the sonic differences between the Io sig and the Lamm Lp2 deluxe??


I agree mostly with the above response. My experiences are as follows:

Aesthetic IO Signature MKII with 2nd PS:
1. Great dynamics.
2. Great air in the top end.
3. Good flexibility for variety of carts.
4. Fairly quiet at first, very noisy shortly after limited use.
5. Works tubes very hard.
6. Support was not great.
7. Tube replacement is fairly costly.
8. Needs a lot of real estate for all the chassis.

LAMM LP2 Deluxe
1. Dead quiet
2. Slightly dark sounding.
3. Top end air lacks slightly.
4. No flexibility with gain or loading. (LAMM believes it is unnecessary)
5. Inexpensive tube replacement.
6. Good textural detail.

You have a very low output cart which I have used with the LAMM and it definitely works, but a bit more gain would help. Personally, I would not own an Aesthetix product again as I have had terrible personal experiences as well as many of my customers. Others may disagree and I am happy their experiences are different, but if you are in Australia, I would look for something that is more of a sure thing.

Good Luck!
I've had great support with my Aesthetix gear, as have many others who post on Audiogon. Jim White has been a superb person to work with. I've used my Io Signature for five years and the original tubes have remained dead quiet.
thanks guys. BTW, I don't own the IO, just listening to it from the dealer.
Tube noise and reliability are both issues, however the local guy who does the repairs on the IO, owns an IO and he says it is very reliable, so I feel more comfortable about owning one in Australia.

Rushton, Are you saying you have used your original tubes for 5 years?? How many hours a week do you play??

Rcprince / Jtinn

From reading the Lamm is a little warmer sounding than the IO??, or just a little darker - not sure what the difference is.

ON the Lamm side I can buy a 2nd hand unit as they are changeble to 240vlts, the IO you must use the 240vlt version made for Australia.

I have found the Aesthetix support to be outstanding. Their telephone support with Jim White and Glenn is exemplary and repairs have been done for me quickly, efficiently, and at a fair cost. I should mention that the repair I needed was a result of user error, not a problem with the product. In addition, and most importantly, I could not be more satisfied with the performance of the products. I have the Callisto and the Io with dual power supplies on each.
Downunder, I listen about 20 hours a week when the system's up. Over those five years I've had some relocation transitions and the system has been down probably 18 months out of those five years. Add to that non-play time when I'm out of town and I'm probably pushing 3,800 hours on these tubes. Sure, it's about time for a re-tube which will tell me how much the sound has degraded and I'm just not noticing it. But the tubes have not self-destructed as Jtinn suggests.