VPI Aries 3 upgrade advice

I have an Aries 3 with the SDS and I would like to get the periphery ring and center clamp or the 25lb. Super Platter. Which upgrade will give me the biggest improvement?

Another vote for the super platter first. I have it and the ring. For me the platter has much more sonic impact.

But I do use the ring, 97% of the time, to give my stylist a nice smooth ride which is no small consideration if you have a lot invested in your cartrage. So as noted above, there is that to consider as well.
Thank you for the replys. I will get the Periphery Clamp and the center weight this weekend.If someone wants to email me offline I would like to know where I can purchase the clamp and weight together and get a discount.I can't find anyone local that will give me a discount.

Thanks again.
I have the Aries 3 with the Super platter, the ring and the center clamp. I would say all help. At first it was a chore to put on the ring for every LP I played. Now I get used to it. It seems that there is more low level details with the ring. This is my first VPI so I have no experience with other VPI platters. A professional told me the thick platter is not necessary. But every well known TT got a thick platter. How could I not go for it. Isn't that the typical mindset of an "audiophile"?