Has anyone had any experience using a MELCO tt ?

Hello, I was looking to upgrade my turntable and was thinking of tracking down a MELCO turntable. Does anyone on the forum have any listening experience with one? Do both models sound the same or does the heavier one the 3555? better sonically? I would appreciate any feedback on the Melco any owners or previous owners could give. While were at it how would one compare to a highend Micro Seiki say the RX3000? All replies to list would be helpfull. What should I pay for one? there doesn't seem like there are many for sale. Thanks
I have not heard a Melco but someone I trust who has heard Melcos and all the relevant Micros told me that comparable Micros would be the larger models (5000 and 8000 series, with a possible nod to the 1500). Given the mass involved on the 3560 (haven't seen a 3555 so cannot say), and the possibilities for changing to a new separate motor (like ones offered by Teres & Galibier), his view sounds reasonable to me. I live in Japan but I see Melcos on the market only once in a blue moon (and when they do appear, they are rarely "complete" or "original" - and prices are more than Micro 1500s with less attached (no arm, suspect motor)). Perhaps your market is different. If it were me, I might scoop one up if it were offered cheap, but I wouldn't necessarily hold my breath waiting for the right one to come around.
Thanks T Bone, I appreciate you and your buddys thoughts. As I was offered a mint 3560 but its not cheap and I have managed to find a couple in Japan but have not seen pics yet. I have an RX 1500 now and was thinking of upgrading and wondered if the Melco would be worth the extra cost? I guess cheap or reasonable is the key word, as the one I was offered certainly was not either? Cheers thanks for your reply.
Thanks Fihihifi. I would be happy to get a mail from you with more info if you manage to find a 3560 (or other) in Japan that you decide not to purchase. I can also reflect impressions on price info regarding the one you were offered based on what I see here.

As for "worth it"? I do not know. I haven't heard one, BUT for me, if the bearing is good/replaceable (and I don't know thing 1 about the bearing), then one is buying a mammoth stainless or gunmetal platter with stand, where armboards and motor could be sourced separately - very modular if you're into that kind of thing. Though, doing that would not be cheap either...