Denon DL103R with Shindo Monbrison

Does anybody know if the 103R's 14 ohm DCR is low enough for the Shindo's trannies or not? I have not tried a cart with resistance that high, more like <5 ohms, but would like to try this cheap "giant-killer" cart.
I have a denon 103r and the Monbrison. It is a combination that works, but it works much much better with the Auditorium 23 transformer. This combination does turn it into a giant killer.

A $400 cart + $1K trannies needs to be way better than $1500 carts that work well with the Shindo trannies to be "giant-killer"... I will stay away from the 103.

(FYI, I did get the same reply from Mr. Halpern.)
Paul -

It seems like you probably had your mind made up before you asked the question. Why ask unless you want several people to respond (which would occur over several days)?
Good luck in your search.
How exactly did you conclude that? Mr. Halpern mailed me offline after I'd posted the thread.

No offense, but your post wasn't worth the effort it took.