Do you have any suggestions?

I currently have a NAD amp, and bookshelf, Triangle Titus speakers. I use a simple sony CD player, and have a nakamichi tape deck. Im interested in purhcasing a record player as its the only media I am missing. I have never owned one before, and have no record, but have heard and appreciated their warmth. I was wondering if it is possible to find something of decent quality that will last, and will be worth while for $300 or so. Any suggestions? Your thought and time is greatly appreciated.

Is your NAD an integrated amp? If it is an integrated, does it have a built-in phono stage? If not, you are going to need to divide your $300 investment between a turntable (with arm and cartridge) and a phono stage.

If you just need a turntable, i.e. you already have a phono stage in your integrated amp, you can probably pull it off for $300 or so. However, if you also need to buy a phono stage with your $300 budget, it's going to be difficult.


I have placed a couple of web address below. Both have a wide selection of entry level equipment. Like Wwshull posted Sumiko's, Pro-ject budget line is a great place to start but there are lots of brands available.

Good luck
The amp is infact integrated. It has the built in stage for phono aux and a few others. I truly know nothing about these turntables, so its a bit difficult for me to narrow down excactly what im looking for. I will check out Sumiko though, and suppose I will continue looking around on audiogon. Im afraid that these low end turntables are going to sound really tinny and cheap, so Im really trying to find the right match for my system. Thank you both for your help.