Magnetization & Demagnetization any conclusions?

Does the furutech improve sound? Does a record have the potential to become magnetized- and how easily??
I am planning on adding magnets to the bottom of my platter and the top of my plinth to take some weight off of the bearing. Then it occured to me, am I going to start introducing a magnetic charge to my records and cartridge?
Anyone have an idea how far is safe for a magnet to be before it starts to influence other materials? At this point I have 4 3/4 between the magnet and the record.
Pedrillo,my previous arm was the Graham 2.2(I think you have liked it alot!
The Phantom I can comment on now,as my friend owns it,with almost the exact system as me.It is superb,and a bit more forgiving(as to fluid)from the 2.2.
HUGE soundstage/dynamics/musical flow,using the Transfiguration Orpheus cartridge.This is the ONLY cartridge(other than the Temper-v) I can comment on,with this arm. The ONLY reason for my moving to the Phantom was the Orpheus is SO GOOD,that I felt the fluid sensitivity of my 2.2 would no longer be needed,"based upon the different dynamic presentations" of each LP played.I wanted to feel secure in the fact that I was getting everything from the incredible Orpheus.In other words...with the 2.2 one could easily set fluid/vta/vtf for different LP's constantly,as each disc has a different dynamic characteristic(brought about by pgm material,pressing type,cutting,AND previous cartridge wear,if the LP was bought used).Over the long haul this drove me crazy(as is apparent from reading my posts-:).
The Phantom completely does away with any perceived "resonant" characteristic,using the Orpheus(which has lots of energy).The difference is quite astounding!
Hope this helps,even if off topic.
Sirspeedy, Except inadvertantly by touching something during handling of the LP in the process of demagnetizing it, I don't see how the demagnetizer per se would affect static electric charge on the LP. Someone else mentioned this previously; the two phenomena are quite different. But then again, I really don't understand how LPs get magnetized in the first place. I will accept on faith however the reports that demag helps.
Thanks for sharing, I like the 2.2 and look forward to getting the phantom some day.
Has anyone measured the magnetism of the record before and after putting it in the machine. Those meters are fairly cheap.
If there really is a random magnetic field in the LP, it will manifest as noise as the magnetic field is moved past the MC cartridge, much like tape hiss as tape moves past a tape head.

However it will be at a much lower level! So if y'all are hearing a reduced background noise after treatment, I would give the magnetic field idea some credence.

The only problem is, static charges will be interpreted by the cartridges as random changes in voltage (IOW, noise) as well! I would expect wood and plastic body cartridges to be more susceptible... Interesting topic. I don't have any sort of instrumentation that I would deem sensitive enough to sort any of this out, so for me it remains an intellectual challenge; apparently one that is audible. Sheesh.