Best Cartridge for Less than $500

I have a SOTA Comet turntable with a Rega 300 tonearm and a Grado Gold cartridge. I would like to upgrade my cartridge and am looking for recommendations. My budget is $500. (The rest of my setup includes a Dynavector P75 phono-preamp and Aragon 8008BB power amp.)

First, the Dynavector mentioned is above $500.

Second, I wouldn't expect much of an improvement, if any, from the Benz Ace. It is somewhat lean and thin sounding which is not unusual for inexpensive moving coils.

If you insist on spending money, find a better moving magnet. At the Ace's price there are a handful of choices that sound better.
I think that the high output MC cartridges by Sumiko are superior to most MM cartridges. From the Blue Point on up, there's no lean, thin sound, assuming a quality phono preamp, of course.

The budget here probably precludes a Sumiko Blackbird, but I say that you should ask. If you've got a Sumiko dealer that you can visit, then do it and discuss and listen to the options to the extent possible (not all the options are likely to be mounted). The price I paid for my Blackbird was seriously close to $500 at my local dealer, trouncing the online prices.

So, it never hurts to ask. The probably applies to most other brands. Don't assume that the online prices are the lowest prices.

I nominate the Rega Exact 2. It's a dead-nuts compliance/resonance/alignment match for an RB300, price is in your ballpark, doesn't require anything fancy in the way of stepup transformer or hi-gain preamp, and in its element (i.e., on a Rega tonearm), is fast, open, relaxed, and very natural sounding.

Ortofon 2M Bronze or Black also.
Dear Adidio: With " that " kind of cartridge budget you could buy at least two very fine cartridges, please read the next link:

Regards and enjoy the music.
Thanks all - my fondness for "giant killer" products prompted me to go with the Denon DL 103R. I was able to find it for $315, including shipping, so for once I actually came well under budget. Hopefully, I won't be disappointed. Thanks again.