Best Cartridge for Less than $500

I have a SOTA Comet turntable with a Rega 300 tonearm and a Grado Gold cartridge. I would like to upgrade my cartridge and am looking for recommendations. My budget is $500. (The rest of my setup includes a Dynavector P75 phono-preamp and Aragon 8008BB power amp.)

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Audio Technica OC9 for $299

Great cartridge for the $$
By the way Adidio, there is a new ACE in town, which I have not heard. Benz just released new versions of their micro line - The "S" series. The prices went the ACE is now $700. If you could find an old benz cartridge to trade in that would get the price closer to $500.

Here's the link to the news on their websight:
If I had to choose the sound character of the ACE - I would choose Warm over lean, so I could see how Chadnliz might think that is sounds "warm, mushy and pretty boring". I am guessing that Chadnliz probably likes a more sparkley and lean sound. I would never say that it sounds mushy and boring. Warm...yes, probably more on the warm side than the cool side. That's why I was so surprised by Audiofiel's statement that the cartridge was lean and harsh.

Be careful what you match it with. I will say that I pared my ACE with a warm "Polite" integrated (Magnum IA170) and it does make the sound to warm and fuzzy for my tastes. I am in the process of upgrading everything and I will definitely be looking for a new amplifier.

As you can see, everyone has an opinion. A lot depends on how the cartridge is set up. A lot has to do with what components it is mated with. Anyway, good luck with your venture and let us know what you decide.
You need to be careful about forming an opinion about a cartridge too quickly. For one, they require a good bit of break-in to develop their true signature. Typically 60-hours and sometimes as much as 200-hours is needed. They'll start brighter than they end up. Also, VTA is critical and can make one sound hot or flabby, depending on the direction of the mis-adjustment.

Lots of components do better after break in, but speakers and cartridges can start out really ugle and later turn into a beautiful swan.
