Considering going Vinyl--Please talk me out of it

I'm standing here on the vinyl cliff,peering over the edge...I had a TT in the eighties & nineties, an AR with the Underground Sound mods by George Merrill from Memphis, TN. It got destroyed in a series of moves, and my vinyl disappeared. I have a perfectly good CD player(Denon 1650AR),EAD PM2000 amp & EAD Ovation plus prepro, & thiel 2.3's. I would need a phono preamp before I could run whatever TT I obsess over enough to buy, as the Ovation has no phono stage. Push me over, or save me! mb
You'd be surprised what you can do on the used market. But even so, good vinyl does take a little sweat equity.
Vinyl has elevated my audio bug from "an expensive pastime" to "a ruinously expensive hobby". Come to the Broke Side, Luke...

Having two different kinds of source, different but equal imo, has more than doubled the fun factor of the rig. The pix appended to my System contribution show how.
cheers apo
All my friends agree CDs sound like crap, vinyl is alive, or they're not my friends.
Go for it! Jump!
Don't be a CD weenee.
Make it a point to hit every Goodwill store in town.
After listening to CD's for twenty years I took the plunge back into Analog. I had alot of turntables as a kid. I come from a family of musicians. I bought a used VPI Aries with a new wood bodied Benz cartridge. I had it professional set up by the very well known Brooks Berdan. I also bought a ARC-Ph-5
here on Audiogon. All told with cables and a VPI cleaning machine I spent 6000.00. Keep in mind I bought the TT used as well as the phono-pre and cables. If I had purchased everything new I would of spent 10,000.

I have a Gamut CD-1 which is a highly regarded CD player that I have enjoyed for the last 4 years. I have also had other highend CD players.

To make a long story short I have had the VPI setup for the last 9 months and I have only listended to the CD player twice. Once you get a good vinyl setup you will not want to listen to CD's anymore. There is just no comparison.