Which TT will take me to the next level

I got back into Vinyl about a year ago with a good Denon DP-500M TT and DL-160 Cartridge. I'm all set with the Preamp and Amp combo. What TT/tonearm/cartridge would bring me to the next level of all around sonic improvements. I realize I might have to spend $1500 dollars or more. A used combo would be fine instead of buying new. My ears are open to suggestions. Thanks

My system...
Denon DP-500M TT/DL-160 cartridge
Pass Labs XONO phono preamp
Pass LabsX150.5 Amp
Audes Blues Speakers
Analysis Plus cables
im in the same situation different equipment but i have been looking at the sumiko pro-ject tables
Buy a VPI Scout and a Dynavector 20X cart. Used you should be within a few hundred of your budget ........ Now if you could double that budget? You could get something much better to compliment that fine phono stage that you own!
If you can stand $2800, then a Pro-ject RM10 with Sumiko Blackbird gets you very near the best possible without going into the mega-sphere. Mine is incredibly revealing, blowing away my SACDs and best CDs.

Pro-ject and VPI have some upgradeable options closer to your price point, but I'd recommend trying to go all the way. For instance, the RM10's heavy platter and 10' carbon fiber arm can't be added to a 9.1 or the model below that. The heavy platter requires the magnetic repulsion system to offset the mass of the heavy platter.


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I agree with Tvad, that would be big bang for the buck to hot rod the Denon.

Another option is the Technics SP 10 Mk2 with a hot arm and cartridge. I recently rebuilt an SP 10, adding a SME arm and Air Tight cartridge and it ranks among the top tables I've owned.

Other tables I've owned include Versa Dynamics, VPI, Oracle, Win Labs, Basis Debut gold Mk 4 and Mk 5 and Walker Proscenium.

The Technics is surprisingly good and I bought mine for $450.00. Granted I put a lot into the arm and cartridge but if I didn't like the table, the arm and cartridge stand alone as a separate investment.