I just received my MusicDirect catalog and noticed a new beltless rim drive from VPI. It looks like an "add on" to any VPI table with an outboard flywheel and is standard on the new VPI Reference Super Scoutmaster TT.
Is this belt-less approach similar to previous approaches to drive the platter? (e.g. idler wheel?)
Any info/guidance would be appreciated.
one thing does come to mind regarding VPI and their belts, which instead of being flat black rubber, are round and clear flexible plastic, and need "talc" to give them the proper "lack of grip" on the platter. the talc doesn't confine itself to the belt alone, so your piano-black plinth also gets dusted.
making sure talc ALSO doesn't get on the record or the stylus requires patience and a sense of humor. the belt works without the talc, but "you've got to use it"; or else your soundstage will collapse, and the roar of the motor will overcome the music coming from the speakers...
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Lenco lovers is an excellent place to start.

"how much adjustments one had to do as every LP was played"

What adjustments?
I don't know. All the VPI motors I touched have always vibrated significantly (maybe this is better for the flywheel version?). If that is the case I would rather not have the motor drive in direct contact with the platter.

VPI AND Teres are finally coming around to what some audiophiles have been arguing for the last few years- direct drive, idler wheel- offer better dynamics, stability and tonal balance, than belt drive.

But only if well implemented and I am somehow doubtful here. Not all of VPI's upgrades are actually improving things. The verdict is still out on this one and I am skeptical until I get to hear one before making blanket statement.
Belt slips= timing inaccuracy. Must then readjust belt, or string. With every LP, clamp must be removed and then replaced. Constant arm adjustments, depending on LP thickness.
These are things that I find annoying. They seem to take away from the pleasure of listening to music. I realize this is my peeve. Others seem to enjoy the fiddle-factor. No offense to any violinists.
The Lenco reminds me of my Honda Gold Wing. As I passed many a Harley Davidson parked on the side of the highway, the "rider" adjusting something, I'd beep-beep on my merry way. Not even bothering to check the cruise control. I just enjoyed the ride and the beautiful day.
I hope you are not offended. Some of those Harley riders bleep-bleeped me. Lucky for me, they weren't riding a direct drive Gold Wing!