I just received my MusicDirect catalog and noticed a new beltless rim drive from VPI. It looks like an "add on" to any VPI table with an outboard flywheel and is standard on the new VPI Reference Super Scoutmaster TT.
Is this belt-less approach similar to previous approaches to drive the platter? (e.g. idler wheel?)
Any info/guidance would be appreciated.
Belt slips= timing inaccuracy. Must then readjust belt, or string. With every LP, clamp must be removed and then replaced. Constant arm adjustments, depending on LP thickness.
These are things that I find annoying. They seem to take away from the pleasure of listening to music. I realize this is my peeve. Others seem to enjoy the fiddle-factor. No offense to any violinists.
The Lenco reminds me of my Honda Gold Wing. As I passed many a Harley Davidson parked on the side of the highway, the "rider" adjusting something, I'd beep-beep on my merry way. Not even bothering to check the cruise control. I just enjoyed the ride and the beautiful day.
I hope you are not offended. Some of those Harley riders bleep-bleeped me. Lucky for me, they weren't riding a direct drive Gold Wing!
I still have three old idler drive tables: Dual 1019, Miracord 50H, and an old Fisher OEM'd from BSR. I remember the arguments against them (in favor of belt drive) include reducing flutter from motor cogging and rumble from motor bearing vibration. Perhaps VPI's use of belts between motors and flywheel and use of a flywheel serve to avoid these problems. The proof of the pudding is in the listening.
French fries, "the roar of the motor will overcome the music coming from the speakers"

I've owned VPI tables for twenty years and I have NEVER experienced this phenomenon and simply don't believe the statement.
Of course "the verdict is still out" with regards to the VPI. I wish them success.
This is merely my opinion/observation with regards to my experience with both belt drive and idler wheel drive tables. It is obvious I am in favor of idler wheel. I have several Lenco tables and I have not had vibration problems. This is because I have "implemented a well designed" plinth and tweaks.
Is VPI, or Teres capable? Most likely. They have well qualified folks who know what they're doing.
I say give them a chance. They've come a long way when one considers they have sold some VERY expensive belt drives. This could be considered revolutionary, no?
Merely my opinion.
This could be considered revolutionary, no?


Could be....only time will tell.