I just received my MusicDirect catalog and noticed a new beltless rim drive from VPI. It looks like an "add on" to any VPI table with an outboard flywheel and is standard on the new VPI Reference Super Scoutmaster TT.
Is this belt-less approach similar to previous approaches to drive the platter? (e.g. idler wheel?)
Any info/guidance would be appreciated.
Thanks for your informative comments.

Would you please explain what you mean by "RM"? I was looking at the ad photo, but I couldn't figure out what you were referrring to.
Rim Drive. Harry reportely purchased a Garrard 401 or very similar but high end rim drive years ago. Rim drive also incorporates the Idler Wheel Drive design, etc. The new table and proposed retrofit is called a "beltless" drive.
You don't need the super platter to take advantage of the rim drive. It will work equally well with the all acrylic one.
I am looking at a VPI  TNT MK 3 with all the options... at that time ...incl the digital controller SDS?
also has approx 3 foot long 4 inch thick "base" which it sits on with spike feet
not sure of its construction but looks factory as it has a circular recess in it for the is some type of black plastic
maybe its laminated wood filled with not know its weight
as a mech engineer the vpi interests me
like a meccano set in some ways..add and subtract stuff
and have some fun
seems well built and heavy with the "long " jmw memorial arm
has the three idlers which some think should not be used
3 idlers seem to make sense re platter stability?
it does not have the flywheel which maybe an interesting add on.??
I have a TD 124 Thorens which many rank as one of the best
belt and rim, was a one owner from 1957 rebuilt with sme arm