Mapleshade integrated Record COUPLING System

Anyone using this? I have a VPI Aries 1 turntable. I like the idea of the VPI Periphery ring but it is expensive and I would first have to upgrade my platter to a newer on that is compatable with the ring. Does the Mapleshade product help at all with playing mildy warped records or is it something else altogether? Are there any products other than the VPI periphery ring that help deal with warps?
The record between sheets of glass in the oven technique is risky; the temperature must be very low and the record should not be in the oven for more than a few of minutes, otherwise you risk melting it. Experiement with inexpensive records first if you wish to try this.

low temp yes, short time no. One way to be careful is to put it in the oven and put the heat on for your few minutes and then let the record sit there for several hours with the heat off. If that is not enough, you may need to periodically reheat the oven. the trick is to get the temp low enough. Ovens vary here. The glass insulates the LP in this regard.
i understand your wanting something for warped lps. in my collection i have several and my arm and cartridge tracks them. i have a aries three 10.5i, zyx universe and using mapleshades record clamp system along with nanomount system is the best improvement my analog front end has enjoyed. you dont know how much good sound you lose clamping lps to a platter. you are sucking the life out of the lp. i am enjoying lps i have been listening to for years like the first time with mapleshades product. this is saying it like it is and i am not connected in any way to mapleshade audio.
The VPI ring is Stainless Steel.
As a former machinist I can tell you making a ring like this is difficult and expensive.
You're cutting away about 80% of your material, and it's very tricky to make something that thin stay flat and round.

The VPI price is high, but it's cheaper than buying a CNC lathe to make one yourself :-)
Ditto Traudio. I get the distinct impression that those who complain about price have no idea what goes into the R & D, manufacturing, marketing and distribution of small quantity specialty products such as these. It seems that no matter how low the price, there will be someone who resents it. Of course, frustration with not wanting to prioritize the funds for something that you want is understandable, but I prefer to own my choice rather than blaming the person who has gone to the trouble of making these things available. The person who brings something to market at a lower price, undercutting the competition is not necessarily doing anybody any favors. They may be compromising the integrity of their own ability to function as a successful business, as well as manipulating the expectations of the consumer regarding what is a fair price, and in the process making it difficult for those who take care of themselves and perhaps their customers better.