Best protractor for aligning to cantilever

I am trying to find a protractor that makes it easy to align the cantilever rather than the body to a grid. I have a cartridge where the cantilever is not perfectly parallel with the body. It's a Grado and the plastic on the front of the body is not seated correctly or something. The cantilever is parallel to the back, but the front being out of alignment makes it hard to align to the body. It is merely a cosmetic issue so I would like to keep the cartridge.
What is the advantage of the Wally over using the setup included with the VPI and JMW arms? The needle needs to be placed over points on the curve. If it is really easier to be more accurate then I would get it But it is $250.
I am not sure about the Universal, as I do not have one, but my older Wally Tractors have parallel lines scratched in a mirror that allows the user to eliminate parallax while aligning the cantilever. Look over the instructions to see what I am talking about.

As with all recommendations of the Wally tools, understand that there are considerable problems actually getting them from Wally. Do a search here and on othet boards for more information.
I, too, have the Universal WallyTractor. I'm glad I bought it (over the non-Universal) simply because I've changed tonearms in the time that I've owned it.

If I had my druthers, however, I'd prefer the non-Universal WallyTractor. The null points (where you set the zenith angles) are on a different line from the overhang arc. This takes a fair amount of bending/stooping/body gymnastics to get the stylus accurately positioned on the zero points. The non-Universal version's null points are marked on the overhang arc so there's no more repositioning (and no additional body-gymnastics) of the WallyTractor to line up these spots.


p.s. Fortunately, I had no difficulties ordering my Tractor through Wally. It arrived to me days after I ordered it from him.
Hi Hyper:

First of all, I would recommend using the cantilever rather than the cartridge body with ANY alignment tool. If the cantilever cannot be viewed or is not referenced on a tool, I would discard that tool. This assumes the stylus is correctly positioned on the cantilever but that is better than making assumptions relative to the cartridge body.

I have not tried any of the Wally tools but understand they come highly recommended. Over the years I have used various two-point alignment devices but now have a Dennesen Soundtracktor with a single stylus reference point calculated from the Baerwald formula. It is marked for cantilever alignment. Both metal and plastic versions were produced. The only limitation with the Dennesen for me is that it requires precise location of the pivot point for the arm. Otherwise, it can be used with any pivoted arm (length).
I recently tried buying a Wally tool. Sent him a check in November for a protractor that was in stock. He asks you to call him and remind him to ship a week later. I found that odd but did. After many weeks of calls and emails he finally called to appologize and said he would ship it right out. Three weeks later I still had not received and cancelled my order with 3 months wasted. If you choose to order be prepared for a prolonged hassle.