Time between playing the same LP

To all vinyl lovers,

I have always believed that an LP should have a 24 hour grace period to cool down before being played again. Reason being that the plastic is still soft from the heat generated by the stylus going along the groove and replaying the LP while it is still "warm" will distort the groove permanently and cause distortion.

Is this an old wives tale or is there truth in it?

I'd be interested to know, as I do discipline myself to give a record a "rest" and I sometimes feel that I would like to hear that particular piece again.

Your comments very welcome.
Considering it takes about 20-30 minutes for my newly cleaned LP's to dry in the open air I can't see how heat from the stylus could possibly take an hour to dissipate. Forget about 24 hours. Hell, the heatsinks on my amp feel cool after about 10-20 minutes after turn off, same for the tubes.

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Viridian, would you also not be interested in my "Tammy Faye Baker's Greatest Hits" Lp? I've only played it once in the last 24,000 hours...