Great Cartridge for Graham Phantom

I can hardly wait!!!
I've got a Graham Phantom being instaled in a new TW Acustic Raven One.
I know many of you have Graham Phantoms on superb tables.
What are the awe inspiring matches for the Phantom???
I listen to Classic Rock, Classical, LOTS of vocals, organ, other words, a bit of everything. My priorities are musicality, recreation of the recording venue, soundstaging, musical emotion, beautiful harmonies, and NOT microscopic detail. The rest of my system has resolution in spades........Wilson Sophias, Audio research Mono Blocs etc.
So what is the final piece in this system? Give me your best choices.


Thanks everyone for the wonderful suggestions.

The Orpheus, Universe, Allaerts, Dynavector XV-1s are all in excess of 4K.
I'd love to try them all.
After the purchase of the Raven One and the Graham, I'll need some time to be recoup, and be able to swing the 4K+ cartridges.

Any suggestions for under 2500?
Transfiguration Phoenix (new version). List price is 2500-2700usd, it has many virtues of Orpheus to some extend. If you wanna get Orpheus but seems a bit costly, you should consider it. I use it with Graham Phantom currently.
Dear Jdolguin: There are many options with an outstanding quality sound reproduction not below 2.5K but below 1.0K, could you believe it?. Please read the next link:

Dear Adidio: With " that " kind of cartridge budget you could buy at least two very fine cartridges, please read the next link:

Jim, like one Agoner told me: " " High end is who you are, not what you buy ".

Regards and enjoy the music.
Jdolgin..regarding suggestions under 2500....I have quite a bit of listening experience to the Lyra Helikon.My friend had it for three years,and he is an avid music lover/vinyl collector(mostly Classical/jazz).It IS a fabulous cartridge!!!We had a discussion(friend and myself)about how even today(although he has the Titan-I)the Helikon could keep us both happy.Just opinion,but a really nice pedigree in that design.I really respect that cartridge!
I'd love to say that Transfiguration has a winner in this price range(and I'm sure they do),but I am only familiar with the amazing Orpheus,and the discontinued Tmper-V.
Best of luck
Dear Jim: Looking for what music you like and your priorities I think that you must to have/listen the B&O MMC2 that you can buy it new.
This cartridge is an outstanding performer and for its low price a real bargain.

You don't have to pay 4K+ or even 2.5K heavy dollars to achieve a stellar quality sound reproduction, this B&O one is IMHO a better quality performer that the Helikon or the Orpheus or Universe.

I respect the other persons that support the Helikon or other MC cartridges in this thread and I'm not saying that all these MC cartridges are not good because they are, what I'm saying is that the B&O is a little better than them and for a lot lot less money. Those people can't speak about maybe because they don't have know-how about because they don't have experiences in their audio system of B&O cartridges ( or other top MM ones. ) against the MC ones that they own today.

I can recomended many other cartridges but according with your preferences the B&O along the Nagaoka MP-50 are very good alternatives and I'm quite sure that you will be extremely satisfied with either or better than that ( for that low price ) with BOTH!!!

There are some sources for it: LP Gear, ElexAtelier, Sounsmith, PhonoPhono, etc, etc.

Please don't let that those low prices intimidate you. B&O/Nagaoka cartridges are real contenders to top MC cartridges and belongs to the very fine analog rig chain like yours. Don't lose the great opportunity that only a few can/could have with these kind of cartridges because there are only a few in new/original condition.

Regards, enjoy the music and remember: " High end is what you are not what you buy . "
