What tonearms work with denon 103r?

Just received the 103r and it's still breaking in, but wondering how good can it get? I am using the graham 2.2 with some tweeks. It is too early to say but the grado circa $100 before the denon sounded better even though it was grainy. Should I add more mass to the arm? Not at liberty to spend a fortune on the arm just yet.
Any comments on phono stage as you already may know I own the ear834 modified and telefunken tubes running, and I also have the jlti. Both are very nice but as many other nuts here never satisfied. Well actually I liked my blackbird till it broke.
I loaded up my Graham 2.2 with alot of leadshot for my denon 103r to sound good and it worked. My system is sounding it's best now.
I have had some old denons eg 301 in the 80's and loved them. Recently I came back to Denon with a 103R I never found anything to get excited about until I put the 103R in an Ikeda 407 and then WOW .... suddenly the stiff cantilever and low compliance cart in conjunction with the heavy mass arm made a huge difference. The bass went from wooly to solid, the mids were crisp and the top end extended. Soundstage can be a strength as it is focused, but a weakness in that it is not very wide. Anyway, in a high mass arm you get the best out of the Denon and in a arm suited to mid compliance carts the performance is just OK. I doubt the Graham 2.2 is the best match, even with damping.