S.M.E. 10 owners

I'm giving the S.M.E. model 10 table serious concideration however I have not listened to it in a system,yet.
The dealer has the model 20/2 and 5 arm which I have heard on several occastions and love the model 20s dynamic living presents with recorded music.
The model 10 will arrive to his store sometime into the New Year.

My question to you owners of the model 10 is.

The 10A tonearm that comes with the table do you like it and have you upgraded the tonearm wire? or even the arm? I understand the standard Van Den Hul wire S.M.E. uses is not verygood according to Roy Gregory editor of Hi-Fi + magazine.

What type of music do you listen to and what brand of m.c.cartridge are you using with the model 10.

Are you using any particular brand of platform under your S.M.E.?

I'm using two differant pairs of speakers in my system depending on what I would like to hear ,music wise.

S.M.E. uses Quad electrostats to voice their range of tables and arms.
I have a pair of refurbished Quad 63s.this is one of a few reasons why I'm concidering an S.M.E. table.

I also like the idea there is not a constant upgrade path with their arms and tables.

Thank You for your comments.

I have a SME 10 with upgraded V arm and Sumiko Celebration cartridge all on a Mapleshade 4" platform with brass footers. Excellent combination. Details on my system page.
I just looked up your system. Have you compared the Superscoutmaster to the SME 10? I would be very interested in your impressions. I have not heard the new VPIs or compared my SME to other tables. I heard the SME 30 once in a completely different system. The VPI is a newer design and may sound close to the SME 10 and to your scoutmaster. The SME V or IV.vi arm is a big upgrade and may be worth the cost to you. SME build quality and sound are excellent, as you know, but I wonder how competitive SME is with the newer designs out there, ie. Raven AC, etc.

I like my Music Groove II phonocable, but your Nordost has me intrigued. Expensive though.
I have not compared VPIs SSM with SMEs model 10.
The SME dealer has the SME model 10 in for me to listen to.

I bought my Scoutmaster with options in 2004 after living with a Linn for almost 20 years.

Since 2004 I followed the evolution on and off of the Scoutmaster to the Superscoutmaster.
It looked like something a mother would only love.

All these changes and upgrades started with Harry Pearson of TAS.
Harry liked the Scoutmaster and wondered why the dual motor and fly wheel assembly of the HRX model couldn't be used with the Scoutmaster.
From there Harry wanted the arm wired with Nordost Valhalla to match the rest of the wire through out his system.
Hence the JMW Signature 9 arm,which I bought.

The story behind this was breifly covered by Roy Gregory of Hi-Fi+ magazine in issue 46.

Since I posted this here,I came across what VPI call the Superscoutmaster Reference.
It now looks a Hell of alot better and I think it has bloomed into something special,and at $7,700.00.

I'll still listen to the SME model 10 this weekend ,however this SSMR could very well be my next table.