Anyone else ever experiment with wet playback?

From time to time I will get back into this. Wet playback vs. dry is night and day. Talk about "liquid smooth"!!! One caveat is ALWAYS true, however: once you have wet-played a vinyl LP you can NEVER dry-play it.
Adavantages are vastly reduced friction (ever seen how cooling fluid is used during metal machining?). Also the noise floor is extremely low, as particulate matter becomes suspended and not part of the record's surface. Disadvantages are potential cartridge damage as previously mentioned, and the general hassle of it all. The sound quality during the wet-play event is worth it however.
Anyone else ever experiment with wet playback?

I tried, but my wife wouldn't let me...
Wet playback does appear to smooth out the sonics . Unfortunately, the pull on the stylas may cause the cartridge's front-end to be altered. The alternative is to properly clean the Lp , reduce friction on the stylas thereby extracting the most information possible during playback. Steam Cleaning perferred.