Dear Dover, I would second your observations and conclusions. They go hand in hand with mine.
Which may result that there will be always listeners who prefer fast energy transfer and listeners who go rather for a damped armtube - with sometimes gives a more pleasing, forgiving sound.
I am definitely in the camp of as fast as possible energy transfer.
Each his own.
Wood is certainly not superior as tonearm wand material versus metal ( to be determined what metallurgy ...) - it is a different approach, with a different concept and leads most likely to different results.
Good that there are different ways and different ideas of the "ideal" - isn't it?
Which may result that there will be always listeners who prefer fast energy transfer and listeners who go rather for a damped armtube - with sometimes gives a more pleasing, forgiving sound.
I am definitely in the camp of as fast as possible energy transfer.
Each his own.
Wood is certainly not superior as tonearm wand material versus metal ( to be determined what metallurgy ...) - it is a different approach, with a different concept and leads most likely to different results.
Good that there are different ways and different ideas of the "ideal" - isn't it?