Blue Note 45rpm reissue

I am suprised that I can't find much discussion concerning the new Blue Note 45rpm reissue's from Music Matters. I got my first two and they are wonderful! Very quiet and dynamic. Solid classic jazz. Sound stage is deep and on a few occasions I jumped up because of a noise in my kitchen, (off the music room), or a knock on the door only to find out that the sound stage has expanded further into the room. Anyone else try these out or heard any other offerings than the first two?
Anyone able to share comparatives of these Music Matters to Analogue Production in sound and pressing quality?
Hmmm..., The Analogue Production Blue Notes have not yet been released. But both the AP and the Music Matters Blue Notes are/will be mastered by Steve Hoffman and Kevin Gray on the same equipment, and both are/will be pressed in the same pressing plant, RTI. They should be identical in their sonics, the difference will be in the packaging.

From what I hear comparing the Fantasy 45 series from Analogue Productions and the first of the two Blue Notes from Music Matters, I don't expect to hear any sonic differences between the Blue Notes from Analogue Productions and the Blue Notes from Music Matters.
Just got notification that my first two copies have been shipped. Can't wait to track the quality of these given that RTI is pressing them, or so I understand. Hopefully, the guys at Music Matters have a good process in place that may stand as a model for others wishing to do reissues.
Dan_ed, when I recieved my first two I inspected them very very closely with a magnifing glass, cleaned them carefully with a vpi and re-inspected them. On the second side of one album I found a flaw in the grooves that I could see with the magnifying glass and good light. Absolutely flat on all records and on both sides. I played all LP's at high sound levels and never heard anything other than the music at the sight with the very small visual flaw. I did get a little tube noise from my phono stage at very high sound levels but this was higher than I would play. If the rest of the LP's are the same it will be a super collection. Next two due at my door tomorrow.
I received my first two copies of this series yesterday. They are actually the second two in the series. Guess I'll have to specifically order the first two. I have done a visual inspection of both but only had time to listen to Lou Donaldson. Both sets of LPs are flat. No warps of any kind. The Kenny Drew set did have a seam that didn't take the glue. I chose to re-glue it myself. Otherwise, I can find no physical issues with either set. The LD+3 LPs are very quiet. No issues at all. I'm pleased with them.