Best Cartridges for the Money You've Experienced

I'd like to ask those of you who have tried many a cartridge over the years to nominate ones that you feel are among the very best and are available today, new or used, at a substantially lower price than most of today's reference-level cartridges. Feel free to mention great cartridges from years past that still show up now and then on Audiogon.

I currently have a Koetsu Rosewood Signature mounted on an SME-5 arm. I'd like to go up from there in sound quality without having to rob a bank.
Thanks for the tip on "Raulirugas'" posts. I've never encountered anyone who's tried so many cartridges! This is just the kind of information I'm after. This line of discussion is especially good:
Having gone through many a cartridge(Clearaudio Ref,Koetsu,Mysbi,Levinson,Symphonic,Dynavector and Benz),I find the baby Allaerts to have been the most satisfying.Not that the others weren't good,but the combination of virtues is extremely well balanced IMHO.
I'll take my DL-103 (note: NOT an 'R') any day over just about anything under $1K. The usual disclaimers apply.

Dear Bolson: Of course you can grow-up from your Koetsu for " penauts ", please take a look:

Regards and enjoy the music.