Graham Phantom vs Triplaner

Wondering about the sonic traits of both these arms compared to each other.

- which one has deeper bass,
- which one has the warmer (relative) balance
- which one is compatible with more cartridges
- which one has the better more organic midrange
- which one has the greater treble detail.
- which one plays music better ( yes this is a more subjective question ).
- which one goes better with say the TW acoustic raven TT.
Once again, the difference can only be
realized on the best of stable audio
refference systems. Tri-Planar and
Graham are the final word in tonearms.
Make your choice based on audible
sound and "the comfort zone".
That's a strange statement from a guy who has obviously never heard the Continuum Cobra or Copperhead?
And the breakthrough that these arms have delivered will ensure that even THEY will not be the 'final word'?

Have you the copperhead properly set up yet??

Phil from hifi junction showed me one yesterday and boy hemp looks and feels strange but overall an impressive looking arm. All the wires made me a bit nervous thou.

He said you were still waiting on TW Acustic to supply the correct arm board. that must be a bit frustrating.

Downunder you should have called me to come and listen. I'm just down the road from HiFi Junction.
Copperhead has been running since Xmas 07.
Continuum re-drilled the TW Acustic armboard to fit. It's only cosmetic reasons that Raven are supplying a new armboard (which incidentally has been ready for months but is waiting shipment with other items).
The phono cables of the Copperhead needed over 100 hours of break-in and didn't sound good whilst that was happening.
Now the sound is simply staggering.
I don't want to pre-empt the description until I have the DaVinci Grandezza mounted with the ZYX Universe. This should be in about 3 weeks.
I have heard that the Grandezza is as good as (if not better than) both the Phantom and Triplanar so a direct comparison between the 12" Grandezza with the Copperhead will confirm whether the bar has been raised as high as I believe, by the Copperhead design?

Halcro,while I am absolutely fascinated by the Copperhead(hey,multiple patents on much of their stuff,surely means something),the "bar" stays in about the same place(as far as I am concerned),unless the Copperhead is compared to both the Phantom,and Triplanar.
Just comparing it to a well regarded Grandezza,says "nothing" about the Triplanar and Phantom.
BTW,while I was in my lengthly wait for my "newly arrived" Phantom I did look into alternatives.The Grandezza was one.In my circle the Grandezza is not thought of so highly(which does not mean much,in the overall picture)as the Triplanar,Phantom,and Vector.Hey,as of last week,I have to throw in the new VPI 12.7 too.
I stste this NOT to be controversial,but until serious "direct" comparisons are made,evrything seems to be conjeture!
One thing for sure,these are ALL superb designs,and truthfully(aside from financial constraints)I could live happily(I mean it)with any of these arms.....Yet,I am at the moment really fascinated with the Copperhead.Just from "fandom",and it's smokeable!-:)