Graham Phantom vs Triplaner

Wondering about the sonic traits of both these arms compared to each other.

- which one has deeper bass,
- which one has the warmer (relative) balance
- which one is compatible with more cartridges
- which one has the better more organic midrange
- which one has the greater treble detail.
- which one plays music better ( yes this is a more subjective question ).
- which one goes better with say the TW acoustic raven TT.
I have the Copperhead on the Raven AC and my friend has the Cobra on the Continuum Caliburn.
Without checking his set-up for VTF and VTA, I can tell you that the Raven/Copperhead sounds positively better.
Even my friend agrees!
Apparantly the Raven is in a class by it self judging by all the buzz and reviews pouring out about it. I am curious about the speed accuracy and drive, when compared to alternative drive options such as direct or rim drive.

Clearly, the micro seiki influence and substantial use of materials such as copper makes a huge difference in the richness of the performance.

I am using a Walker Black Diamond with silver wire from the cartridge clips to the rca's with excellent success and performance. Even though, the Walker comes with a bracket for rca's on the back, Lloyd recommends running direct for best results.

I predominately have used straight line tracking arms, but am putting together a second turntable system with a restored Garrard 301, new ceramic bearing and customlayered base using german panzerholst wood,
which is renowned for its resonance control and a new Triplanar tone arm.

It will be interesting to see how good it is.
When I requested that you,Halcro, possibly "post" a product review,of the Copperhead on Audiogon,I was being quite serious,and with no hidden agenda.It seems like a "way cool",and inventive design,and the web-site hasn't got much!From a selfish standpoint.."I just love tonearms",coming in second to the finest MC's,in what enthuses me.
Based on some of your recent enthusiastic comments(eye opening actually),I think "we" would love to see this!!
The arm is priced in the ballpark,for some to seriously consider,and since the recent product review in Stereophile was a "combo plate",of arm/table,a dedicated review,by someone with experience would be invited,and appreciated by many.At the very least,me!!
Of course this is asking for quite a bit,and I definitely can't blame you for disregarding a request to do so....I admit I'd probably decline myself...BUT....maybe you might be in such a mood to do so,at some point....."Like soon"-:)
Sirspeedy I haven't ignored your request for a review of the Copperhead arm.
As I think I mentioned, I'm waiting to mount my newly arrived Davinci Grandezza 12" Ref to see just how good the Copperhead is against what I consider to be formidable opposition.
The armboard for the Raven will not be here for another 10 days and then I need to give the armcable at least 100 hours to break-in (that's how long the Copperhead took).
So unfortunately a review is many weeks away.....but it will include a comparison on the Raven AC-1 and Raven AC-3.