Am I getting it all?

I have a VPI Scout, Dynavector XX2MKII cart, PS Audio GCPH, going into a Sonic Euphoria passive pre. The sound is quite good, but compared to what is, IMHO, a superb sounding digital front-end, is generally not in the same league. Only on exceptional recordings does my analog front end seem to equal or at times, best my digital gear. I will say, though, that the most intense musical experience I've had on on my system, came while listening to a Tacet lp, Tube Only, of piano and violin. I feel my cartridge set-up is quite good. Does it sound like it's time to go to a better turntable to make any improvement in what I'm hearing? Thanks for the help, Dan
Ag insider logo xs@2xislandmandan
I agree. Vinyl is not superior. Different, yes, but it has it's own problems. If you have a large collection of records and are determined to get the best from them, perhaps upgrading makes some sense. Otherwise, use and enjoy what you have and don't jump onto the upgrade path.
That's very good advice, Nedmast. Difficult to follw, though, because when vinyl is at its best, it is very good. Hard not to want to try to whip it into the non-existent perfection. The upgrade path for me will consist of relatively low-cost ones, just to help with the urge to tinker.

Thanks for the input, enjoy,
Just a little reality check; you're not even close to getting it all, so you can put your question to rest. Of course, there's always enjoying the music...
I guess I should re-phrase that previous statement, Piedpiper. I mean I must be close to getting all that my analog front end, such as it is, can give me. That is, however, a very long way from the best the format is capable of delivering, but so are the funds to purchse the means to that end. We do the best with what we have.
