Grand Prix Audio Monaco Turntable

FYI, Hi Fi Plus (an excellent UK audio magazine) just did a very thorough review of the Monaco turntable. I have had the turntable for a year and think it is incredibly transparent and very involving - you really get pulled into the music. I could never explain why I found the turntable so engaging, but I think Roy Gregory has done a very good job of explaining why. I have had the VPI HRX and am very familiar with a number of the high end tables (e.g., the SME 30 and top of the line Brinkman)and thought those tables were very good, but I never had the same connection with the music as I do with the Monaco
Dear Henry: +++++ " and who am I to disagree with these veteran experts. " +++++

IMHO, you like many other music lovers not only have a great/long audio/music experieces but more important: are not audio commercial/business oriented like almost every one " veteran experts ".
Henry you are " some one " !! don't you think?

Btw, I write 1983 because the 507 comes from the 505 where the 505 converts in 507 " suffer " only two changes: central pillar mount and arm lift.

Regards and enjoy the music.
I am someone indeed... and have no commercial interests either...and have a little experience too...AND A STRONG OPINION TO BOOT

RAUL, I wish I could meet you in the flesh...we shqre a passion, I could learn a lot from you!

Tonite its my wifes vinyl vault...Jean Michel Jarre original 80s grooves, oh how the Monaco/Dynavector shines... still putting digital to shame...

Mtkhl and Cohnaudio: Have either of you experimented with siting the Monaco on different stands, such as differences in the sound on the Finite Element vs the Grand Prix?
Fcrowder, I've only had it on my Finite Elemente Pagode Master Reference rack. However, all the time I have heard the Monaco at my dealer (Transparent Music Systems) before I purchased one it was on top of a Monaco Grand Prix rack with a racing shelve and apex feet. It was IMHO the best match for the Monaco tt, unlike Mr Fremers experience, it made the table even more quiet and articulate, the pace was right on, supporting the strengths of the Monaco. To date I have not heard that excellent kind of playback in my system yet, although its the same as my dealer's, and I think it's partly due to the Monaco Rack system. The difference is mostly in the lesser details of the recording ambience, and detail cues of the recording space that I am still lacking...

Hope this helps you.
For those interested in the GPA Monaco turntable review. Here's the link: