PC connect to audiophyle system

What is the name of the devise that allows one to connect a PC to a 'separates' sound system? How is the resolution and what products do you recommend? Appreciatively
NCarv, thank you for responding. My Conrad-Johnson PV11 tube preamp, which I assume the ethernet cable you mentioned in your response needs to attach to, does not have ethernet input jacks, and it is 80 feet away!!! Does the SqueezeBox have RCA jackets, and what how expensive will it be for 80 feet of ethernet cable versus doing the distance worelessly?
I second the Squeezebox. It's a great little product.

Yes, it does have (analog) RCA outputs. It also has optical and coax digital outputs for using your own DAC.

Wired will always be more reliable/secure, etc, and 80 ft of cable should cost less than $20. (See http://www.pacificcable.com/PatchCables.htm, for example of Cat 5e cables in long lengths.) However, depending on the situation with walls in between receivers, distance, etc, you might find wireless to work very well for you, too. And it's no extra cost with a cable. The Squeezebox will do both wired and wireless.

Sufentanil, thanks for the endorsement and good information. Is a Squeezebox even necessary? Could I not directly hardwire my PC to the preamp at the sound system as long as the cable has an ethernet end for the PC and RCA jack for the preamp?
I have been using a Red Wine Audio modded SB2 for about 3 years and streaming it wirelessly with no issues. If you rip cd's to a lossless format, it is impossible for me to tell the difference between it and a Musical Fidelity cd player I used to have. In fact it might be better. This is recorded audio's future.By the way I use an outboard tube DAC in the chain.