PC connect to audiophyle system

What is the name of the devise that allows one to connect a PC to a 'separates' sound system? How is the resolution and what products do you recommend? Appreciatively
Sar, I'm not sure I understand your question. You want to find a cable that has an ethernet jack on one end and an RCA on the other? That's won't happen, because it's vastly different signals that are transmitted by each of those types of connections. (Ethernet works by sending data through 4 pairs of wires.) That's where the Squeezebox comes in to play. It acts as the interface between your music server (your computer) and the stereo (by offering analog and digital outputs that your preamp or DAC can understand).

There are also USB DAC's, which is also an option, but not if you're going to be 80 feet from the computer. Ethernet, on the other hand, has a range of 100 meters.


if you have a DAC or a CD player with USB in, then you can take the signal direct from your PC. If there is no USB input on the DAC/CD player, but S/PDIF then you can use a HagUsb (http://www.hagtech.com/hagusb.html).
Sar67, I think what you may be thinking is to run a "Y-cable" from your PC to your pre-amp. All you need is a cable with a mini-jack on one end that you plug into a line-out on your computer sound card, eg. speaker or head-phone output. The other end of the Y-cable has a pair of RCA jacks that you plug into your pre-amp. It's not real hi fidelity but it's fine for casual listening. Otherwise, the option would be soemthing like a Squeezebox, with or without an external DAC.
Markphd, Your input is helpful as I am now building various music genres at Pandora.com for when I get the PC to feed into the sound system. I assume the use of a "Y-cable" would have a volume limitation as well lower resolution than what the SqueezeBox would provide? With a Magnum Dynalab FM receiver that costed BUCKS years ago, I hate to see the need for an FM receiver go away! I appreciate you taking the time for me here.
I would look into the M-Audio Audiophile PCI card.

quite good sound and very low noise level.