How effective is anti-static device for LP play?

Actually I'd like to tweak my question...It is really the question of how effective do some of you think a device like the Milty Zerostat could be,if humidity in music room is at a constant 50% or so?Would I really benefit from it in good conditions,with clean LP's?

Does the act of simply playing a disc add some degree of static to the disc,even in good humidity.

Does static come about due to other circumstances,and can this negatively effect music reproduction,with humidity not really being a big factor?

Thanks for the responses,in advance.-:)

excellent questions. I can only comment on two. Dry definitely increases static problems, and Zerostat / Mapleshade Ionoclast / Walker Talisman and the like, do make a difference, lowering noise floor and increasing smooth transparency .
I "think",based on an intuitive approach,that we ALL see dust on LP surfaces,but even without using a carbon fiber brush,it "sticks" to surfaces.Yet,blowing on the LP surface(even in good humidity)leaves the dust in place.So,I assume there is always some degree of static present.Hence,even in good humidity the antistatic devices are a good thing.
Does this make sense?