I recently bought a P-75; made necessary when I bought an Aesthetix Calypso to replace my Krell KRC-HR which had a KPE phono stage fitted. I have been setting the P-75 up and learnt that:-
1) A 12v battery supply is a lot better than the mains wall-wart. Background hash is reduced and clarity improved as is soundstage and ambience performance. This was with ten 1.2v Nicad AAA batteries wired in series. I plan to get a 12v sealed lead acid battery which can be easier to maintain by trickle charging when not in use;
2) Also, it looks like that the phono enhancer mode does not work for all cartridges, at least not for my Lydian Lyra which has a low impedance coil - 2 ohms. With the P-75 set to phono enhancer, loud (alarmingly loud) cracking noise would come through the speakers whenever there is any highly modulated signal on the record being played. I think the problem is due to the very low coil resistance of my Lydian cartridge. Certainly, the cracking noise got worst when I set the Phono enhancer mode's impedance to that for a high impedance cartridge. But even when set for a low impedance cartridge, the cracking noise is still there. So I seem to have no alternative but to run my P-75 in the MC high gain setting.
Trust this helps.