What to expect in a TT upgrade?

I've owned a well tempered classic table for many years. I've enjoyed it but have always found it a bit challenging to set up. (make sure the cartridge is alligned properly)I think consequently, I've never gotten the performance out of it I should have. Recently, I purchased a new pre that came with a really nice phone stage. (Joule) I've been considering purchasing a new table/arm or purchasing a new cartridge such as a shelter 501. My budget for the table/arm/cartridge would be in the $ 2,500 - $ 3,000 range. Just wondering if anyone has any thoughts about what is the best way to go. If I did get a new table, I would want one that is fairly easy to set up. Thanks for any input on this decision.
Redcarerra: May I suggest that you challenge your Turntable skills by first understanding ,as completely as possible, the reason(s)the Well Tempered failed to realize its potental in your system/audio room. By learning the key(s), future sucess maybe realized rather a duplication of past issues. I personally feel the Well Tempered products represent are a great value . I would break the TT down and carefully examine its parts to ascertain any weakness with the most usuall suspects ; the platter, the bearing or belt. A complete review of the tonearm and cartridge is also in order. The platform your TT sits on should be examined. A slight adjustment for most 'Tables can change the sound from muck to ear-candy. Should all of this sound too complicated hire an expert or call a nationwide internet TT seller asking them for the name of a local troubleshooter they may contract with in your area. Or, just shove it spend a few more grand and hope your problems dissappear with a new 'Table.
the turntable/arm combo you have is still one that is regarded as the name says 'classic'. change the cartridge, but your table is one for the ages.
FYI : A gentelman named "sharpe" is a 'Goner who states he has 17 years of professional experience setting up turntables . Who knows perhaps a email or so or a recommendation from someone like him could be of assistence. For the record, sharpe is not personally known to me but I just read a cartridge offering where he mentioned his TT experience on AG. What have you to loose ?
I would wonder whether you would be getting an upgrade for that amount of money but it sounds like you're maybe not interested in an upgrade per se but more friendly logistics.
I've always wondered what one does when they are new to vinyl, but a TT setup that is initially setup by a pro, and then needs further "service" in the future. Obviously, experimentation is a start, but it seems like a very inefficient way to go. Fremer's DVD would be a good beginning as well, I assume, but when I see retailers talk about their microscopes for ensuring proper setup of the cartridge, I can't imagine how I'd ever get it right without a microscope outside of sheer luck.