VPI HW 19 - replacing springs with pucks or cones

I have a VPI HW 19 turntable and have read in several places about a modification whereby the suspension springs are removed and replaced with sorbothane pucks or cones. Does anyone have experience with this modification? Opinions as to benefits vs. detriments? Most importantly, what size/brand/type of puck or cone works best? Thanks.
Ag insider logo xs@2xcrazee01
I was using the stock springs prior to experimenting w/ other materials. My initial goal was to isolate the TT from wall borne vibrations as I couldn't safely play a record without running the risk of a skip/scratch. I tried a number of different isolation techniques from mass loading to bubble wrap but the closing door won the vibration battle time after time. Both the sorbothane pucks and the Navcom pucks worked well with a slight improvement coming from the limbsavers. The sound was perfectly similar with all 3 methods of suspension but getting rid of the springs allowed better isolation from the wall. The number that worked for me without modification was #3003.
Yu might try cones into a slab of Maple with Sorbothane under it. I believe this will give you the cleanliness of the cones with the islolation of the sorbothane.
The "limbsaver" you refer to is that a product from the Sims Vibration Labs catalog? Which item?
Just a little note, but didn't the old VPI HW-19 Junior come stock with the sorbothene units installed at the factory? I believe they did and worked well as far as footfalls and vibrations. I had a couple of friends of mine who had the old AR turntables and you could not walk in the same room without skipping the record, and another friend who had the HW-19 Junior, and never had any problems with footfalls, although it is a difference in designs!