How often do you folks vacuum clean your albums?

To all you vinyl people out there: I am curious to know, after you have cleaned an old album, then put it on your vacuum machine (I am using a VPI unit), how often do you reclean it with your vacuum cleaner? I have heard answers from "every time I play it", to "only once, then just a carbon brush".

Just by coincidence, yesterday, I ordered a Dyson with the new HP inspired direct drive. The wheels are an upgrade to his stock wheels, the HRxW's. I went with the optional Shunyata 35 foot VXE cord that plugs into a RG battery powered power house. I was informed I'll probably need a dedicated outlet, so today I've been working with my Square D representative. Can't wait to get the records laid out on the carpet -- 150 will probably be cleaned in 5 minutes. Probably need a zerostat gun afterwards.
I've often wondered if it might be a good idea to clean a record just after playing it? My thought was that the cartridge stylus may loosen up dirt and particles that didn't get removed during the first cleaning.
Good or bad idea?


Tom- Lets see if we can get the guy with the scanning EM to take pix of a record before and after playing to see if that's true.
I have found that for used records what works for me is to give them a good cleaning, play a few times, then give them a light cleaning. Some get a third cleaning. I always use my DIY vacuum RCM. Mine is based on a HOOVER for those keeping score. :-) The other part to cleaning records, and keeping them clean, is to keep the stylus clean. I've gotten in the habit of cleaning my stylus after each LP side with a piece of Magic Eraser.