How to clean the tiny holes of air bearing tonearm

Any tips for this?
Maplenoll recommended siphoning alcohol into the air tubing and blowing it through the bearing with the compressor. This cleans out the oil build up from the oil bath compressor and anything else. be prepared to clean up the mess.
Joeylawn3611, Iso Alcohol can be quite explosive when used indoors near open flame (water heaters and furnaces)in quanities a couple pints or maybe more for the dousing of parts. Should you have any questions, contact your local EPA office or Fire Department for further information. All the Best.
Crem1, I know, I use this stuff daily for various things. As long as there is no open flame, its safe.
J: I don't wish to be drawn into a debate but the EPA considers Iso to be a poison. The EPA states that long term use without precautions can destroy lungs. At least that what the EPA says. Why argue with the EPA ?