VPI Scout vs. HW 19

After reluctantly selling my turntable a few years ago, I'm looking to replace it.

The question I have right now is if I should get a VPI Scout or HW19. The turntable I LAST owned was a VPI Scout, and I LOVED it. There is a cool-factor to that big honkin' platter, but the HW19 seems to be similar, and maybe more user friendly? (And about 1/2 the cost.)

Now as I said...I loved my Scout. I'm wondering if anyone out there has owned both that can offer some guidance.
I'm thinking I'll just honker down and look for a Scout. By the time I outfit a Mk IV with everything I want, I'll have the same money into it.

My last Scout was a real peach. I LOVE the JMW-9, so that'd be the first upgrade on a MkIV...so that's what made the decision for me to look for a Scout.

Ok...the hunt begins.
Just keeping everyone in the loop...

I bought a VPI Scout w and Aries 2 platter, JMW-9 Arm, and a Clearaudio Aurum Beta-S Wood cart. There are a few other mods to the table, but I'm sure it'll sound great. I spent about 2X what I was hoping to, but I think I got a much better table as a result.
I think you have made a wise choice, but keep in mind it will require a little extra care and tweaking to get things up and running correctly. Live with it for awhile and resist urges to upgrade right away. Spin with a grin!