A newby to Turntables -- Linn - Thorens

I'm looking at few tables in the $200 to $500 range. In the running is a Thorens 166, 145, 160, or an original 1974 Linn LP12. I believe the Linn is the higher-end table but it seems to be very complex in maintenance, set up and tweaking. Do the Linn's actually require monthly and yearly set up and constant tweaking to perform well?
i recently got my dads lp-12. he is the original owner and it is my first tt. it has been adjusted i put a new cartidge on it a gas sleeping beauty. replaced the cable with a nordost hemidall and use a pbn audio phono pre amp. the sound is quite amazing and i amreally enjoying listening to vynal agan.
Even an LP12 out of tune will sound a lot better than the thorens (most LP12's are out of tune)