Phono pre for ZYX 100 Yatra high output

Running a .48 mv yatra with an ARC ph3SE. I need something with more gain as the ARC has 54 DB and I just can't get adequate volume. Any suggestions??
I have the same cart (ZYX 100 Yatra high output) and
I'm using a Clearaudio Balance (58db) with good results.
I use the low output zyx carts (.24) using the standard ARC PH3 into the line level input of an ARC sp-10 and into the Audible illusions M3a. I also get good results when i use the phono of the ARC sp-10(between 10-1 o'clock volume position) and the Audible Illusions with john Curl phono board.

I hope you don't mind I'm just curious what the rest of your components are?

System: AI m3a , ARC sp-10, PH3, ARC D-250, Proac response 3.8
Low output Zyx Bloom and Atmos/4D
My system is posted , but it's an LS-15 preamp and a Gamut D200 amp. It work's great with the CD player but sisnce I've moved yo a more damped listening environment, I just can't get the volume anywhere close to the CD output. Might be a problem somewhere in the phono pre???.It was never as loud as I would have liked, but now it's simply not acceptable.As the PH3 is a fixed 54 DB, all I can think of is a component change...