So, I got a couple of new 180 & 200g vinyl records the other day and they just weren't sounding as good as I expected them too. To thin in the highs, 'rolled-off' I guess is the common term. Although I didn't feel there was any muddying of the bass. I decided to try a little more VTA adjustment, raising the tonearm a little to compensate for the heavier vinyl. I only had to raise it a hair, but it made a big difference. Cymbals sound livlier and strings sounded more, I guess complete. I guess I didn't have it as perfect as I thought the other day. Seems better now though.
In some ways VTA actually seems like a more influential adjustment than tracking force. It was really noticible in my system.
In some ways VTA actually seems like a more influential adjustment than tracking force. It was really noticible in my system.