Halcro, in this instance I do not think the difference in sound between the two combinations is due to the Copperhead's pre-eminence in its field as the sound of the Copperhead/XV1s combination was very close to what I listen to every day as I mentioned in my post. Unfortunately you have not been able to listen to my system which while it has a quite different balance has that same ease/clarity you get with the Copperhead in the chain. I think it is just that the other combination for whatever reason - possibly an impedance mismatch with the phono stage(just grasping at straws here) just did not sound right.
It is always very difficult to compare across systems as we clearly have different priorities in our in our listening expectations but if a voice sounds natural it sounds natural. This was not the case with the Grandezza which leads me to think that there is something fundamentally wrong somewhere in the set up. I hope you find out what it is.
It is always very difficult to compare across systems as we clearly have different priorities in our in our listening expectations but if a voice sounds natural it sounds natural. This was not the case with the Grandezza which leads me to think that there is something fundamentally wrong somewhere in the set up. I hope you find out what it is.