Denon 103r ????

I have made some improvement to my 103r, but am still getting tonal imbalance with this cartridge.
It's too bright and edgy on some recordings!
At times it sounds incredible, excellent imaging and sound stage.
What do I do though to tame down the brightness. Change the tracking force a bit or tracking angle, change the loading, impedence or capacitance. Add more tonearm bearing fluid or remove?
A member on the Vinyl Asylum has asked for someone to send him a modded 103 for comparison with his MagicDiamond and I have sent him an email saying that I will be happy to accommodate.

He posted a picture of the back of the MagicDiamond that looks no different from a normal unmodded 103 so not works has been done back there.

Well, I do think the MagicDiamond is in fact a modded 103 but we shall here what an owner of said cartridge thinks of the two. My modded cartridge has the Uwe wood body so I am betting it will outdo his.

I think an owner of a 103 whether it is called a ZU or a MagicDiamond or Clearaudio Talisman, needds to use the right arm and load the cart correctly. That means:

16+ grams effective weight up to 30grams
active stage 100ohms
transformer 103 = 40ohms, 103r = 14ohms.

If you have the MagicDiamond or the Talisman you body worries are teaken care of. Stock, you need to remove that ringing plastic body - or at the very least put some duct tape on the outside of the 103s body.
This may seem off-topic, but what tools and methods do you use to align your cartridge on your tonearm? I've been using the paper guide that came with my RB-300. Square carts like the 103 are easy to set up. Non-square carts like the Sonata are much more difficult. Would a protractor help align things more accurately? fwiw, I adjust VTA by sight.
Dear Storyboy: Your Story is " impressive " for say the least but that don't tell me nothing about the 103 quality performance that you support.

No, unfortunately I don't have to re-assess my audio priorities only because of you that are only one more person that loves the 103, my GOD!, it is not enough.

Look you are really happy with that Denon cartridge well stay with it, is up to you and up to your " impressive " Story audio priorities I can asure you that I can live knowing that fact and I'm sure that you can dream " calm " if I stay away from that Denon cartridge!!!, everybody happy and this is what count not who " win ", this is an open forum not a race car.

Regards and enjoy the music.
Raul, you sound alot like my wife, ascribing words that I never said. The 103'r' is a music bargain in today's market. I am not in love with it, although I do like it very much.

Your penchant for getting the last word is certainly not absent on this thread. You pontificate with a practised skill.

And like I said earlier, if you want to dismiss the 103r, then 'palma non sine pulvere'. I can, however, recommend it or the 103 to anyone who might have difficulty finding any of the better MM's of yesteryear that many of us reading these pages have long known about, and suggest it not as an alternative, but a primary consideration because of its price/performance.

Vroom, vroom.
Dear Storyboy: Last word?. certainly far from there and I'm sorry that the way I " speak " " sound " in that way, that was/is never my attitude/intention, my opinion ( like always ) is only that: just other opinion where I try to share my experiences.
Like any one opinion you can/could take what you like/agree and leave out what you don't like it: that's all.

Regards and enjoy the music.