To Raven One owners.....

I'm curious as to what table you had previously, and what the Raven One does better? Also, what arm and cartridge are you using with the Raven One. Thank you for sharing.
No regrets,
Have you ordered a Raven or just giving consideration among other tables?

I can tell you Jeff Catalano of High Water Sound ,the only North American distributor of the TW Raven tables is areal pleasure to deal with.

One of the hardest working guy's in the audio business.

I spoke with Jeff acouple of times over the phone. He,s down to earth and a straight shooter.

Prior to ordering a Raven One this past Monday,I had a VPI ScoutMasterSignature with options.

VPI put out a fine line of turntables and tonearms, heard them all.
However I believe VPI and many other manufatures do not make a table that can compete even with the Raven One.

This record player matched up with a great arm, cartridge and especially the phonostage,could verywell be your last table.
I have not ordered one as of yet but am seriously considering the Raven One. I currently am using a Linn LP12 modified with the Pink Triangle Pink Link DC motor, top plate, battery power supply; Naim ARO tonearm; Benz wood body cartridge; and Artemis Labs PH-1 tubed phono stage. A very musical source that I've enjoyed for many years. But, after reading the recent reviews on the TW Raven's, it has me wondering. I absolutely agree with you about Jeffrey. We have shared emails and I believe that he is quite a gentleman and lover of music and will be a pleasure to deal with. I sure would like to be able to hear one prior to ordering it. This will be problematic, considering I'm in Wisconsin. Thank you for sharing your experiences with me.
I used an LP12 with Origin Live DC motor and Ittok arm. Very nice, musical, but the Origin Live Resolution was a big step up in detail, base and neutrality. The TW Acustic Raven one, is another big step up on the Origin Live. Even with the utilitarian, Vivid arm, it is very good indeed.
No Regrets,
Any sign of spring weather down your way yet?...

I also owned a Linn for many years which I bought in 1984 and enjoyed up until 2001.

My first e-mail to Jeff of High Water Sound ,I asked if there were any owners of the Raven tables here in Ontario Canada.

Jeff e-mailed back with names and e-mail address of three happy owners.
There could very well be an owner near you.

Well, I'll tell you, it's been a long winter here in Wisconsin. It seemed as though it snowed every other day. We had record snow falls this season...thank God for good audio or I would have gone stir crazy. The last few days have been in the 40's, birds are singing, so I hope spring is on the way.

That is an excellent point you made, and I think I'll ask Jeff if he knows of anyone between here and say Chicago that may have one.

David12, you mentioned that Thomas is designing a tone arm for the Raven One. Do you have a link to any information on this arm. I hadn't heard anything about it as of yet.
