Loricraft Record Cleaning

I've put off buying a record cleaning machine for years now, and doing it by hand is just getting old (So am I for that matter). Seems like everyone has an opinion on which machine is best, but nothing really negative on the Loricraft machines.

I'm looking for a used machine if possible, and if someone has one and is tired of cleaning records period, let me know. If you can point me to a solution or have a reason why I'm completely out in left field, that's helpful as well.

Thanks for the input!
having owned the more powerful loricraft 4, yes it is quiet and it does a good job, but it takes so long you avoid cleaning records. the clearaudio double matrix, while noisier and a little more expensive, is the best tweek i ever bought, money well spent(invested). i now clean records all the time, in record time and i think better then ever before. yes it is a little noisier, but only for a few seconds, where the loricraft runs for minutes doing 1 side the matrix does both in seconds. highly recommended. sold my loricraft could have bought a monk, staying where i am, tas finnally got it right! double matrix highest recomdation to anyone serious about vinyl.
Loricraft is certainly a precision instrument. That said, could it be just a tad overkill? I guess we all have to make choices that result in our final out come... listening. My pockets just aren't that deep. I purchased a VPI 16.5 and it does a great job. I haven't owned a Loricraft so I couldn't say that the difference in cleaning is substantial. What I can say is at 2235.00 to 4475.00USD + dust-cover + shipping for the Loricraft, I find the VPI a bargain. And to top it off I can afford the entire Acoustic Sounds Blue Note Jazz 45RPM series for the relative difference to that of the VPI. And about noise, quiet is better, yes but, I spend more time listening to new records than my cleaning machine.

Happy Listening?!
I was fortunate enough to pick up a Loricraft 3 used on Audiogon here. I do not have any experience with other cleaning machines, so I cannot compare. But I can say that the Loricraft is indeed consistent, quiet, and trouble free like others have mentioned above.

I really have no motivation or cause to look to upgrade or change cleaning machines. The Loricraft does the trick. I especially enjoy the quietness of the Loricraft.
Thanks for the good comments. I haven't owned a record cleaning machine to this point, but I still feel that it's the way to go... at least for me. Also, I know that if it makes a lot of noise, my wife will throw both of us out and I don't need any more damage to my ears from a "shop vac" solution.

I'm probably much like everyone else here, in that I will end up buying what I want regardless of the cost (Just a few more P&J sandwiches for lunch). Maybe there is a used machine out there, maybe not. I'll see what turns up.

Again, thanks for the responses... they all help.

I've just purchased a Loricraft (high power model) but have not used it yet. Sold a perfectly good (like new) VPI 16.5 just because I want to clean records and listen to records at the same time, and in the same room.

The 16.5 is perfectly usable, but I kept it away in a separate room because of the noise.

Will it be worth 8 times the money? I don't know...